Sweet Peppers, Bad Weather Arrives

I really don’t know what’s going wrong for sure but I’ve lost my touch with peppers this year. Normally they’re pretty straightforward to germinate. Just sow into modules, pots or even a seed tray quite shallowly. Keep moist and warm – between 20 and 30ºC and await the seedlings.

Sweet Peppers from the nursery – at least someone still has a green thumb!

I cooked and dried the first batch which was my sloppiness but the second batch seems to be failing as well. This is embarrassing!

Off to the Garden Centre

We ventured out to Tyddyn Sachau garden centre which is a pleasant little drive away from us. Now we’re going out more, I’ve had to put some petrol in the car. Hardly remember how to use a petrol pump.

It’s a bit different to the last time we went, one way system and masks. What is the same is a great range of high quality plants in the glasshouses. I think they grow a lot of their stock. Val picked up some nice pots for the patio and some plants to go in them whilst I found the peppers. Excellent quality, much further along than the couple I have managed to germinate. They were only £1.75 a plant, as well.

They’d a good selection of tomatoes, cucumbers etc. I couldn’t resist a Carmen cucumber but resisted the tomatoes as mine are further ahead. At least I’ve managed to get something right!

Had a lovely chat with the lady on the till, behind her perspex bandit screen. Genuine, friendly people. I’m so glad the business has survived the last year plus. We called in to Dinas on the way home and had a walk by the sea. It was lovely having spent all this time looking at it from afar to actually go again. Maybe we’ll have chips on the beach again soon.


Thursday, the weather changed totally. The blue sky with a few fluffy white clouds is replaced with a leaden grey ceiling of cloud. The wind is howling and the rain’s coming down strong. Friday was just as bad and the forecast isn’t particularly good for the rest of the month.

Lots to do when the weather improves; sweetcorn in the coldframe to plant out, bean supports to erect and plant, more peas to sow and squash planting to prepare. The grass is in need of cutting badly and could benefit from raking out the moss prior to fertilising.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary
2 comments on “Sweet Peppers, Bad Weather Arrives
  1. gwyn evans says:

    I too have had problems this year with chilli peppers, some have grown and others failed even though they were in the same shelf with heating and careful watering, even after germination they have been slow and finiky. i can only think its the cold air above them.

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