Home Made Hand Sanitiser – Anti Viral

The best way to be safe from the Coronavirus is simply not to catch it. Pretty obvious! The experts and medics all agree that hand washing with soap and water will help us do that. But if you’re out – visiting the shops for food or maybe exercise on the allotment – with no soap and water available – hand sanitiser will do the job.

Home Made Hand Sanitiser

Home Made Hand Sanitiser picture copyright D Monks

Unfortunately it seems to be in short supply and some of those selling it online are profiteering obscenely. So the answer is to make your own hand sanitiser .. or pay through the nose.

My friend Dafydd Monks is a renowned medical herbalist and also helps the NHS as a volunteer ‘blood biker’. He’s written a great article on how to make your own anti-viral hand sanitisers – you can read it on his web site here.

Anti Viral Surface Sanitiser

When I heard about how the coronavirus can survive for a while on surfaces like door handles I wondered how best to clean these. A bit of online research found some official help which dated back to the SARS outbreak.

Apparently a bleach solution was effective. I’ve made up some in a small hand sprayer which is by the front door. I’m using 40ml of ordinary household bleach in a litre of water. Stronger than they suggest, but I’m erring on the side of caution.


Some good news. Sunlight contains UV rays which sterilise and kill the virus as well as causing the body to produce vitamin D that helps our immune system. Make the best use you can of this lovely weather.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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