New Greenhouse – Wind Stops Play

We’ve had some wonderful weather for the last few days. This allowed me to get on with finally putting up the new greenhouse. All was going to plan until Saturday.

Eden Burford Greenhouse Construction

Eden Burford #2 Greenhouse Construction – ready to glaze

As this is the second time I’ve built this greenhouse, an Eden Burford, so things went more smoothly and quickly than the first time. There was no building a section and then having to rebuild it because I’d misunderstood the instructions or hesitations as instructions were puzzled over.

The gables and sides were built up, connected together and the ridgebar fixed. Roof glazing bars connected and all the glazing bars dressed with the weather seals and finally the frame fixed to the base. Last time I’d used additional L shaped steel brackets to super-fix the frame down. Slight snag, when I came to refit them, I realised that the brackets had bent when the previous greenhouse blew down in the storm.

Apart from the bent brackets, which are my own additional ‘belt and braces’, all went according to plan until Saturday…

The weather was, like the preceding two days, warm and sunny. Perfect for glazing the greenhouse. The problem was the winds which were gusting over 30 mph. The last thing you want to be doing is manhandling large sheets of glass in high winds. Very risky, to say the least.

I wasn’t worried about glazing the sides, the windbreak to seaward and the lower windbreak on the opposite side are working well. You can really feel the difference when you are in their shelter. I was worried about glazing the roof though, it’s more exposed being above the windbreak.

Next Step

Now I’ll have to wait for a dry, calm day when I can get some help again. It’s possible to glaze the greenhouse on your own but it’s a lot easier and safer with two people. It looks like that will be at least a week away.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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