Poultry, Injured Cats & Produce as Sweets

It’s been a while since my last post. It’s not just that I’ve been burning the midnight oil working on the upgrade to the poultry pages either. Mind you, I’m really enjoying it as I came across a lot of interesting information and some beautiful illustrations like the one below to upload to the new site


Speckled Sussex Chickens

The weather here has been pretty mixed as well. I heard the weather man say something about welcome rain in the south – well we’ve got plenty to spare! There’s not been any great downpours, just a lot of drizzle which is frustrating. Too wet to comfortably get out there and get on with things.

Then we had a major drama with one of our cats. She’s a sweet little thing, as friendly as anything but in the summer she turns into a wild cat and we don’t see her for days on end. Just occasionally trotting by carrying anything from a mouse to a rabbit.

Anyway, she decided to come home last Sunday for breakfast and I realised she’d hurt one of her eyes. I’ll spare you from a description, it was a right mess. So off to the emergency vet who called in a nurse and an emergency operation.

She’s currently going stir crazy as we’re keeping her in a dog crate in the bathroom away from the other cats. She’s got one of those lampshade collars on and that’s not making her happy either.

The stitches come out on Wednesday and we now have a one eyed cat. What amazed me was how she reacted to a serious injury. It was as if nothing had happened, just have your breakfast as usual and carry on. Wish I could be so stoic.

I’ve not been too well myself either. Best described as my ‘get up an go’ has got up and gone. Nothing major, just one small thing after another and it’s getting me down. At least the doctor doesn’t think I’m wasting his time.

Now, before this seems to be nothing but a tale of woe, there are some positives. Things are slow and behind in the greenhouse but we’ve been enjoying Sungold tomatoes when my grandson doesn’t find them first.

I think the sweet Sungold’s come a close second to the strawberries. He’s quite partial to the raspberries and tayberries as well. He’s also fond of podding broad beans, which he’s fairly good at although about one in three get eaten before getting into the pot!

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary
One comment on “Poultry, Injured Cats & Produce as Sweets
  1. Sue says:

    Our grandson enjoys eating the produce at source. On a trip to allotment recently to pick and water I asked Josh what he was going to do. I’ll just sit here and eat some raspberries he said. On checking back with him I noticed a couple of squashed ones. How were the raspberries, I asked. Lovely he said but those ones (the squashed ones) had things living in them. Fair enough.

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