From freezing cold the weather has switched again. It was 14°C today at lunchtime when a load of leaves arrived for leafmould
The nice chap from the council kept his promise and a load of leaves was delivered right to the plot today.
Filling the Leafmould Cage
I shared them with Steve from plot 2, still took me 4 hours to get them into the cage. Didn’t manage to fill the cage but there are a couple of loads on the other side of the site.
Very cold today, there is still snow on the ground from last night remaining in the shade but the bright sunshine melted it where it reached.
Quickly managed to get warm shifting the leaves, the Thinsulate hat and long sleeved vest help a bit too. The main problem of working in the cold is that you get too hot when you work. Take a rest though and you soon cool back down.
Still have to build a wire cage around the compost bin on plot 29 to increase its capacity- You can’t have too much leafmould with our heavy soil.
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