Building Leafmould Cage for Leafmould Making

As the leaves are arriving thick and fast I’m building an additional leafmould bin.

From freezing cold the weather has switched again. It was 14°C today at lunchtime. Not bad for the end of November

Piles Leaves for Leafmould

Piles of Leaves for Making Leafmould

Building Leafmould Cage

So off to the plot for a few hours. Earlier in the year we managed to get a fantastic bargain on some plastic coated wire fencing rolls from Wilkinsons. Reduced from £11.99 to 1p. Grabbing both rolls and expecting to be stopped at any second we left the store.

I knew they would come in useful..

So taking some scrap wood and wire fencing, I have built an extension above the compost bin on plot 29 to hold some leaves. Managed to half fill it before the light started to fade. Pitch dark by 4.30pm.

I really could do with getting on with digging plot 5 but, if I’m to have leafmould next year, I need to get the heaps filled whilst the leaves are available.

Litter in the Leaves

It’s scary how much litter doesn’t rot down. Sweet wrappers came out of last years leafmould looking as pristine as the day they were ripped from the contents. I wonder if they’ll still be here when I am in the ground.

The weather forecast was rain today but it’s been fine. Look forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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