Moving the Leaves to the Leafmould Bin

Managed an hour on the plot today, despite the rain. Had to leave when it threatened to drown me.

Transporting the leaves to leafmould bin.

All I managed was to cart 8 barrow loads of leaves to the cage on plot 29. One very useful tool is a large heavy-duty plastic bag with a strengthening band around the rim.

The band holds the bag open so it’s easy to fill and sits on the full wheelbarrow load more than doubling the carrying capacity. It’s also a big help when getting the leaves into the leafmould cage. As it fills up, is far easier to lift the leaves with the bag.

As the leaves are roadsweepings, some of the drops have a lot of dirt and grit in them. This is great for our heavy soil so I’ve pile these next to the heap, ready to dig in next year.

Benefit of Gardening

In case anyone thinks all this work isn’t worth it… I am writing a server script that keeps failing. Driving me mad. As I shifted the leaves the answer popped into my mind. So an hour out has both given me some fresh air and exercise as well as saving me more hours of stressing over a program.

Plus we eat some great veggies.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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