Improving the Soil by Adding Leafmould

Spent the afternoon adding leafmould to the soil and forming a path from wood chippings.

I managed 3 and a half hours today, although the last half hour was spent putting the world to rights with the allotment rep. Not very productive but we’ve solved most of the world’s major problems.

Adding Leafmould to Soil

Finished digging the tough patch on plot 29. Incorporated 5 barrow loads of leafmould into the final 4 square yards and 3 barrow loads onto one of the small deep beds that was lower than the others for some reason.

That’s the leafmould bin empty now, which is good as the council leaf man promised me a load by the plot on Friday.

Path from Woodchippings

I didn’t waste the wheelbarrow walking back empty, either. Shipped wood chippings from the big communal pile back and made a path by the comfrey bed.

Too dark to work by 4:30pm. There were a few light drops of rain but otherwise not bad. Someone had left the tap by plot 5 running and plot 4 has a pond instead of a strawberry bed. Careless.

All in all, a good day.

Leafmould Soil Improve

Leafmould being added to the soil. Not much nutrient but great for structure and humus

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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