Summerhouse on the Allotment

Although I had a lot planned, ended up not getting to the plot until late and then helping out another plotholder build a summerhouse.

Best laid plans of mice and men oft gang a-gley.

Building a Summerhouse on the Allotment

My wife was ill last night so not much sleep. Managed to get around to the plot at 3pm and some plotholders were putting up a summerhouse. Not a shed, a summerhouse, complete with decking, balustrades and a glass house to the side!

So I had to help – well that’s what it’s all about. First I gave then a lift with the sides then I watched. I love work and can watch it all day.

Digging and Breaking Clay

Took a few photos for the site and then commenced digging on plot 29. There’s not much left to do but it is really hard. Brown sucking clay lies less than a spit deep in part so it’s take out a shallow spadeful, then break up the clay, then add some turfs that have been stacked all summer. I’ve run out of manure and compost now.

May use some of my wonderful leafmould though.

It was pitch dark as I walked home and rain is forecast for tomorrow.

View up Plot 5

View up Plot 5

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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