Moving the Compost and Back Strain Understood

It’s off the path!

I dropped down on Friday afternoon and shifted a most of the pile of compost but just couldn’t get it all done. Today, the final fifteen barrow loads got taken off the path and so I can say I moved the mountain!

It was quite busy on the site today – lots of people for a change, which may be something to do with the sunshine. After making such a big thing of moving the compost, I’m almost ashamed to admit some of the lady plotholders were making light work of it. Perhaps I’ll just admit to being a wimp. Unfortunately said ladies are already married, as am I, so I’ll just have to keep moving my own compost.

Spring was in the air today and there was a daffodil smiling on the plot next door and a rather mucky young lady having a whale of a time climbing a compost mountain.

Despite Friday being fairly dry in the day, it poured with rain in the night and so the ground is pretty sodden again. It may have been lovely today but the weatherman is promising yet another band of rain for Sunday.


One of the great things about running this web site is the advice from the forums. Well I asked about my back ache, which was puzzling me since it didn’t seem like hard work moving the compost but always really got my back. Apart from a scary warning it could be testicular cancer, which drove me to some quick googling research, the explanation was I was twisting whilst lifting and straining my lattisimus dorsi muscle. You live and learn

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