Moving More Compost
I didn’t write up my Sunday experience on the day as I usually do. Sometimes it’s best to cool down a bit first.
Now all the compost arrived on Friday and Saturday and when I left on Saturday was in place. Now I haven’t seen my neighbour on plot 6 for months nor have I seen any signs of him doing anything but amazingly he’d been down on Sunday morning and noticed a giant pile of compost in front of my plot, not to mention a few others.
Well with a deductive logic comparable to Inspector Morse at his best he’d decided it must be free for all and had happily been spreading it on his plot.
Well he came over and told me he’d been told it was free for all but wouldn’t say who told him and did offer me a tenner but I said I thought he’d only had about a fiver’s worth.
Another plot holder told me I was a little silly not to take a tenner for the cheek of it.
Up at the top end of the site, another dedicated plotholder who’s rarely seen had decided to do the same and had piled a load of someone else’s compost onto his plot – once again protesting he thought it was free to anyone. If they bothered to show their faces more often they might know better.
I think it’s fair to say I’m simmering now rather than boiling but enough said and I’ve kept my mouth shut on the plot.
Today, Tuesday, I spent the afternoon moving more compost off the path. I think another two sessions should finish the job. I’ve certainly discovered my limit. Two and a half hours of shovelling and barrowing is enough for my back to send messages offering surrender to the brain.
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