Preparing for Spring and Laying out the Plot

Preparing for Spring

It seems funny that now the sun sets early and the frosts have arrived to think of next spring, but that’s what us gardeners do. Getting things into order so that next year we can start the cycle again, sowing our seeds.

Got down to the plot on Saturday and Sunday afternoon, weeding and clearing on plot 29. The two small deep beds near the greenhouses being weeded and cleared had two barrow loads of rotted horse manure each laid on top. I’ll Mantis them in the spring.

Harvested some carrots and spring onions from the one of the beds – not exactly prizewinners, but quite tasty anyway. Fridays borlotti beans went well in a Chinese stir fry dish.

Because of the greenhouses, I’m changing the layout a bit ? extending a bed and moving paths, so started digging over where the path was. One of the good things about wood chipping paths is that they rot down so it’s easy to move a path and just dig in the humus.

Saturday was quite busy on the site, although Sunday was quieter. Both days I left the plot as it went dark although on Sunday I finished a little earlier and just watched the most amazing sunset. Deep rich reds slowly fading ? incredible. As I left a few rockets went up, pretty but not a patch on the sunset.

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