Where are the Autumn Leaves to Make Leafmould?

What no leaves?

No sun either!!

According to the weatherman, today was lovely sunshine. I had a call from London and it was lovely there too, but it was grey overcast and threatening rain here all day.

By late afternoon I could hold off from the plot no longer and as my spies have reported that the council are delivering leaves to some allotment sites in the area, I went with great expectations They’re certainly starting to fall from the trees, so it seemed reasonable.

But there were no leaves to be seen! What is going on? Have Wistaston Green allotments been blacklisted by those unsung heroes who keep our streets clean? Have the shadowy powers of Direct Services issued secret instructions to cut off our leaf supplies? If that’s the case then why? Perhaps they were bribed with organic carrots and leeks or succulent beetroot. If that’s the case, we can match any offer and beat it on our site.

If no leaves arrive soon we’ll march on the council with forks held high and compost them!

Anyway, continued with the tidying up. Did a bit on plot 5 then a bit on plot 29, said a quick hello to Janice from plot 28 who arrived with a few bags for her compost bin and that was it, the light was going.

Tonight we’re eating braised steak casseroled with my carrots and spring onions (it’s hardly salad weather) and chips from my low calorie potatoes. Wonderful. Val’s bargain hunting hit new heights last night, thank you Mr Sainsbury for the two full carrier bags for ?3.36. The cats really appreciate finest ham but could you reduce a few chickens.

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