Planting Garlic as Autumn Arrives and Borlotti Beans

All Change, Autumn Arrives!

After my worrying about how unseasonably warm things have been, November opened with hard frosts. The week has been rather nice, if a lot colder than late. Still, better for hard work than too hot.

Dropped down to the plot just after 3pm and unloaded yet more flower pots of their spent compost and a big bag of dead flowers onto the compost heap as Val continues clearing the garden.

Planting Garlic

Had a chat with a couple of other plot-holders and decided to plant my garlic in the deep bed by the Japanese onions. Theoretically, we will end up with 40 bulbs of garlic Germidour from the three bulbs I split into cloves and planted 2″ deep, 6″ apart.

The process didn’t take too long, using my spade handle dibber and trusty length of wood marked out with 6″ on one side and 4″ on the other but already the sun was sinking behind the westerly trees.

Borlotti Beans

The frosts have had a dramatic effect on the remaining dwarf French beans, keeled over and dying. Still, harvested some immature borlotti beans, they went in late so haven’t really grown as I hoped. Weeded and cleared a small deep bed before it was really time to go.

The nights are really drawing in now since the hour changed. I must get down to the plot earlier if I’m to get anything done.

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