Greenhouse Glass Danger and the NVS Web Site

The end! (Nearly) of the greenhouse and me.

Back to the plot this afternoon where I picked up a shaped piece of glass as a template and headed back to the glaziers. He now considers me a regular. I meant to get two pieces cut last time but only asked for one. He explained he could take 2 out of the same piece of glass so it would have been free. Anyway, now I have a spare piece and the smaller greenhouse is completely glazed and the door works.

Back to the larger greenhouse where much drilling and cursing as I fitted some extra strengthening bars to compensate for the piece I constructed not being 100%.

I then put glass into the final part of the roof. As I put the last piece of glass in at the top the steps slipped. So there I am with a sheet of glass in one hand and the greenhouse strut in the other with the steps going away. Well my life flashed before my eyes and I remembered the scene from the Omen film where the sheet of glass decapitates some unfortunate whilst thinking that the glazier will be pleased if I drop the glass.

Well apart from a cut finger, I’m still here. I did notice one of the old two foot by two foot sheets has cracked. It’s getting like that Forth Bridge, it will never be finished!

Just the door to sort now and a couple of shaped panes. Will it be done by October 24th and the anniversary of its purchase?

New Web Site

For some time now I’ve been alluding to a major new web site I have been working on and it is time to reveal it. Back in July, I was asked to revamp the National Vegetable Society web site. Well it took most of August getting things together and was ready to go live on the 3rd September. Unfortunately there was a glitch in getting the domain name transferred and pointed to my servers but today it was finally sorted. I’ll take this opportunity to warn everyone about a firm called Nicnames. Their help lines are premium rate and when you get through they give you another number. Ring that and they send you back to the first number. Their web forms don’t work in Mozilla – took me a bit to figure that out ? and to change away from them you have to ring yet another premium rate number so they can talk you out of it. Finally they charge ?15.00 to move, which is sheer robbery.

If you need a domain name and web hosting service, try my business site WebOneUK or anyone but Nicnames.

Well, I digress, so back to the National Vegetable Society. It’s only just gone live so there are probably a few glitches beyond those I’ve found tonight and sorted but I think it is looking pretty good. There are some articles on there from expert growers including some on organic growing.

Pretty soon you’ll be able to join online and buy some of the society’s leaflets and DVDs. I’m also developing a members only section.

Do take a look ? The National Vegetable Society

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