Cutting Greenhouse Glass
Saturday was tidy-up day. Bits of broken glass, bits of wood, bits of cardboard and plastic packets all over the place. Plus those eight by four beams in front of the greenhouse door. They all got cleared up and I sorted the larger sheets of glass out and stacked them safely up out of the way.
Next to the wood chippings mountain for supplies and paths were constructed between and around the greenhouses. It’s starting to look something like now.
Next to start clearing away the sweetcorn stalks on plot 29. I cut them off about six inches above ground level with secateurs to leave me enough to help when getting the roots out and then cut the stalks into foot lengths to help in the composting process.
A shredder would be ideal and I know from experience the stalks would rot down in days if shredded but we’ve no electricity on the site. You can pick up a reasonable garden shredder for under ?100 but petrol versions leap to ?500 plus, which is a little rich for my pocket.
Maybe a generator would be a good idea! Then again, a 3.5KW generator is on ebay at ?299.00 so not a great saving to be had there.
Anyway, Johnny turned up from plot 28 and he’d bought a new glasscutter. My ?3.00 tool was useless and his certainly seemed better. I cut a test piece and it was perfect – split exactly where I wanted in a nice clean line. So to cut the little bits out I needed to finish the big greenhouse. 12 goes later, I had cut the little triangle out although it had a semi-circular chip in one side. My skill deserted me the moment I started to cut for real.
Sunday we decided to sort the greenhouse out at home, which resembled a jungle. We’ve an excellent crop of various peppers, both salad and hot chilli peppers. About four plants were finished, so they came out and the peppers off those. The aubergines were finished. They produced far more flower than fruit, I suspect pollination problems. Anyway, they have provided us a few rather good ones so not a disaster.
Val also decided a lot of her pot grown flowers could finally achieve their true purpose as compost material. Loaded the car with the pots as the compost can only improve the soil texture on the plot and the big green compost bag.
Sorted those out and continued cutting the sweetcorn down when it started to spit with rain. Feeling that the heavy sky indicated a downpour was possible, returned home for a lazy afternoon working on the infernal computers.
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