Paraffin Heating the Greenhouse and Merry Tiller Service

Good News and Bad

The good news is that the weather has warmed up, the ice and snow melted. The bad news is that the rain has come in a deluge. And tonight they predict more snow and minus three tonight.


The paraffin heater has been called back into action, keeping the greenhouse above freezing. I’ve got about a gallon of paraffin left, so hopefully I will not need to buy more this year. Spring cannot be too far away.

Most of the tomatoes are doing fairly well, although I”ve lost a few seedlings. Strange how they?ve just disappeared, perhaps a hidden slug has popped up from the compost.

The brassicas are looking a little cramped so I may pot them on from the modules as I certainly can?t plant out yet.

Merry Tiller

The Merry Tiller has been serviced and is ready for collection. ?87.00 odd with VAT and parts. OUCH. Still, if it runs on for another thirty years, not a bad price. Apparently they needed a lot of parts, which doesn?t surprise me as the engine was running rough and only seemed to have full on or off as it speeds. The black smoke residue showed the choke was on full as well. I?m afraid engines have always been a mystery to me so what a choke is and does, I?m not sure, but you do need one apparently.


If you read the gardening books, it?s all so simple. Plant this in March, that in April and it will be ready to harvest whenever. The truth is that March is the most frustrating month of the year. Loads to plant and sow and you are ready for it after the winter. The days are lengthening so you have lighter nights and more time too. Then Mother Nature strikes back, if it isn?t snowing or freezing it?s pouring down. All you can do is play about in the potting shed and greenhouse with fingers crossed that spring will arrive.

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