Connecting with Nature and Developing Sciatica

Connecting with Nature

Second day of sushine in a row, so down to the plot.

It’s interesting how aware of the weather gardening makes you – working in an office or shop where you hardly know if it’s light or dark splits you away from the natural order.

Having the allotment you reconnect back with that natural order of dark and light, seasons and the natural year. Having passed the winter solstice, the days start to slowly grow longer – giving a bit more time to spend outdoors.

This winter has been pretty warm – hardly a frost to break up the soil but digging operations were curtailed by the soil still being very wet.

I cleared some of the grass clumps away from the patch I intended to dig over and last years huckleberry plants. They did quite well, producing masses of large glossy black berries. Shame the berries tasted awful.

Well, if you don’t try, you don’t know.

The clods skimmed off were put into the compost bin and a pile of wood chippings on the top. They will stop light getting to the grass at the top and hopefully this will be OK to go back onto the beds by summer next year.

The mystery of the missing compost bin continues.. I hope it’s gone to a good home!


I seem to have developed sciatica over the last month, humping leaves into the cages. The symptoms are strange – the pain being in my left heel and leg. Oh well – lose some weight may help!!

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