Gardening and Global Warming

Strange Weather and Digging

Strange weather today – sunny then cloudy, threatening to rain. Anyway, by 3pm I could stand no more so around to the plot, come what may.

As it turned out, only a few spots of rain so I had a nice hour and a half.

Dug over another 3′ or so of plot 5 and then moved the leaves that wouldn’t fit into the cage when I first filled it into the cage. It’s amazing how quickly they go down.

I reckon another 7 sessions will see the plot dug over as it should have been weeks ago. This strange weather means we have missed out on any extended periods of frost as well as a decent summer.

I try to avoid more than 2 hours of heavy work at a time – the idea is to get some exercise, not kill myself. In 2 hours I can dig over between 4 and 6 feet (by the 15′ width) at a time.

Climate Change

The Horizon program on BBC2 last night was pretty scary about climate change. Basically the theory is that global warming due to increased CO2 would be much worse except we have reduced the amount of sunlight hitting the ground due to pollution particles in the upper atmosphere.

I wonder what the next 30 years will bring – 30 years ago everyone was talking about a new ice age. Not that I’m dismissing global warming and it’s obvious that the weather patterns are changing fast. Gardening does bring a higher level of awareness of the weather.

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