Garden Centre Visit

Visits to garden centres are nearly as dangerous as reading seed catalogs.

Despite all my planning, the weather being wet, we went to a garden centre and I bought more seed potatoes.

I felt we were a little down on the maincrop and purchased 20 tubers of Valor. They are supposed to be very resistant to eelworm and blight, maturing later than Desiree and earlier than Cara.

Hopefully we will have some good results from them.

We still have a sack of potatoes in store but I don’t think they will last until the new crop arrives. Hopefully, I can get us all the way through with this crop.

I’m quite keen to try some early earlies by container growing in the greenhouse.

Looking at prices, quality and quantity of potatoes in the garden centre, I’m not so sure it was a good idea to get them online. Especially the ‘common’ varieties that are easily available. Factoring in that they arrived much later than expected, which reduces the time I like for chitting, I think the bulk will be purchased offline next year.

I also purchased some onion sets, which I may try starting early in pots in the greenhouse.

Stopped raining this afternoon but the ground is pretty sodden again. I think the weather centre is based in an alternate reality.. they just don’t seem to be related to what I see.

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