Using Rotovators, Mantis Tiller and Big Bertha

Rise of the machines.. Rotavators 2!

The weather has decided to improve so my work load gets heavy. I took a trip up on Sunday and harvested a few leeks accompanied by my brother-in-law, 2 nieces and a nephew.

Alton Towers beware, forget those monster rides, the kids love being charged up and down the site in uncle John’s wheelbarrow.

Monday and Tuesday was spent chained to the computer but today I got away to heaven.

First job was to spread leafmould over the deep beds on Plot 29 and then get the Mantis running. Wonderful machine got going after a few coughs and belching out some blue smoke (from the oil added to the cylinder as winter protection).

The leafmould adds a really nice texture to the soil, lightening the clay and the Mantis crumbles it all in.

Next job was to get Big Bertha, my pet name for the large, ancient rotovator my neighbour lets me use in return for storing it and some petrol. Bit of fettling was called for and after cleaning the plug and a few magic words it chugged to life.

Up and down the bed on Plot 5 where the brassicas and broad beans are going, twice. The clods have been mainly broken down and I may well plant the broad beans tomorrow.

The backache returned with a vengeance so I limped back, but a pleasant 3 hours. The intention was to have a cup of tea and return but once I sat down…

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