A busy day in the sun
Despite the weatherman’s insisting it was raining, it was a fair day with plenty of sun until 7pm!
Set up a fourth teepee on plot 5, just a couple of Relay runner beans (very poor germination of those this year) and the rest were Blue Lake climbing beans.
Next task was to move the stacked turves from the top of the plot to the compost heap where they were covered with a layer of turkey litter. This should stop the graas growing (it was growing out from the sides). The other bin was filled with turkey litter and some extra sulphate of ammonia to really push it along.
Ben the rat seemed shy and was hiding behind the heap so I was watched by little beady eyes. Pretty sure that ‘Ben’ is actually a pregnant female. Oh dear.
The rest of the day was spent weeding the carrots and parsnips at the top of the plot. It’s important to keep up with the weeding or they’ll seed making it worse for next year and the six after. I also thinned out the parsnips a little. After a while I get ‘weed blind’ so I think there will be more to get next time I go down to the plot.
The weatherman is promising good weather – so expecting storms and snow.
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