Watering, Weeding and Sweetcorn out of Cloche

Summer’s Here

Well you could be fooled into thinking summer was here – lovely day so escaped to the plot at 3pm for a few (well 5 is few) hours.

Watered the tomatoes and those bits and bobs sitting in modules awaiting a home. Things were drying out.

Next job was to take up the cloches. The sweetcorn was trying to lift them from the ground and it’s too hot really for them under the polythene. Putting the cloches away is a bit like origami on the grand scale but wrestling them into shape and tying them up with electrical tape did the trick. Think I need to sort out the shed at some point.

Moving on, I tripped over the bamboo poles and stuff by the shed so back home for the electric drill and some screws. I inherited some guttering and the things that support the gutter were duly screwed to the shed where the bamboo poles can sit safely.

Yet more weeding and thinning of parsnips on plot 5 followed and then to plot 29.


Well 4 onions were lifted along with a lettuce and some radishes. It’s a start. The salad bed was weeded and the Japanese bed. There is no sign of the blue shiso but I do have some daikon and gobo growing. 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.

Plot 29’s deep beds are rather dry so half an hour with the hosepipe on them and the beans section then back to plot 5 where the beans got watered as well.

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