Greenhouse Work
Been busy with work and the weather has changed but I managed to grab an hour in the greenhouse with the tomatoes today.
Moved the sungold and moneymaker from their modules into 3″ square pots, taking the opportunity to lower them by about ?” into the compost.
Moved them into the plastic tent greenhouse and the twinwall coldframe.
It was a real April showers day and blinking cold too, They’re talking about a heavy frost by Friday, so I hope they’re alright. It certainly won’t drop to freezing in the coldframe or plastic greenhouse as long as it doesn’t hit -4?
So back to the computer..
Considering an upgrade on how I do this online diary but it will have to wait for more time.
For those interested, this is basically an html file which has some PHP includes and a little bit of scripting. Feeding it from a database would have some advantages but to do it with the flexibility of html I’ll be using a CMS. (Note – now being served from the database)
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