Winter Solstice & Merry Christmas

Today is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. From now on the days will get a little longer and the nights a little shorter (at least for us in the northern bit of the globe)

To me it’s an important point of the year – winter is far from over but as each day gets a bit longer, you know it won’t last forever. Some years it feels like that, though!

Anyway, it seemed an opportune time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. We’ll be spending it at home here with my Mum and at my daughter’s house which is about 20 minutes down the Llyn peninsular. I’m really looking forward to seeing my grandson opening his presents, eating far too many sweets and getting into magic of this special holiday. I really hope your Christmas is wonderful and all you want it to be.

And a big thank you to those who keep the lights on, the internet running, the water flowing and all those things we take for granted along with doctors, nurses and care workers looking after the sick and disadvantaged not forgetting those who keep us safe, put out the fires and those far from home in the services whilst we enjoy the holiday.

And one little known fact that may help you enjoy Christmas more. Over the twelve days of Christmas food contains no calories so anything may be eaten whatever diet you’re going to be on in the new year!

Merry Christmas

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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