Sorting the Garden Shed

Thursday was quite productive. When we moved we’d packed away all the gardening gear, pots and trays etc into boxes and put them into the cowsheds. Then the builders arrived to renovate the sheds so the boxes got stacked up outside. After all, it doesn’t harm plant pots if they get wet!

Well, when the builders had done their thing, the boxes were pretty wet and since the contents were for the garden shed, we left them where they were. So far, so good but when  I come to finally putting things in their home, the bases of the boxes had rotted and everything fell out. So it was back and forth to the shed with the pots in the wheelbarrow.

When the garden shed went up, it felt vast inside, like an aircraft hanger when I gave the floor a couple of coats of Cuprinol. Putting in the old potting bench and building a long bench under the window and some shelves made it feel a little smaller and more homely.

Now all the pots are in there along with the hand tools, tunnel cloches, sprayer and all those other bits you accumulate, it’s full! In fact, I need to put more shelves up. The rotovators and shredder are in the cow shed, so they’re not even in the garden shed. And we’ve not got a lawn mower any more, either.

Val pointed out that we had quite a large shed in the garden at the last house plus I had the shed on the allotment plus we had 3 greenhouses which had a lot of stuff in, so it’s no surprise to her that the shed is full.

Despite still needing to some more shelves and to sort things out, at least I can find my tools now Gardening is all about preparation. You prepare the soil and things grow well. So now I’m prepared to prepare!

Getting the main plot prepared is going to be a big job but I want to get going with something now at least. So get ready to laugh. We’ve moved to a place with 4 acres of land and we’re going to start off some salads in pots and set up two raised bed kits!

So on Friday I thought I’d set up the raised beds. This involves stripping the turf, breaking up the underlying soil, replacing the turf upside down and filling the beds with a mix of compost and soil.

Whilst half the country is doing rain dances in a parched, arid desert-like land, it decides to pour down here. So we headed off to a few garden centres in search of supplies and possibly a few decorative bushes for the garden area.

We visited a couple and quite frankly we were really disappointed. Back in Crewe we had Bridgemere and Stapely within very easy reach. Neither are cheap but they have a huge range and some very knowledgeable staff. I’m not too good on growing stuff that you can’t eat. Here we found small centres, very nice but not a large selection of plants and they weren’t cheap either.

One thing I really need is some garden lime. Not just for the soil but also for the compost bins. Now I’m used to paying around £4.00 for 25Kg sacks but ended up paying £5.49 for just 10Kg. Luckily I’ve plenty of fertiliser because that was even dearer compared to what I’m used to paying.

Anyway, we did buy some bags of multi-purpose compost, which will mix into the soil to improve it in the raised beds and in a moment of madness a morello cherry tree in a pot. Not sure where that will end up, but it will hold for a few months at least whilst we cogitate.

As I write, on Saturday, the weather has turned much for the worst. The rain is heavier and accompanied by strong winds. We’re in the low clouds at points as well which is like being in fog. Perhaps summer will arrive soon, please. As requested, more photos. Click on them for gallery view and then click the main photo for a full sized image.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary
6 comments on “Sorting the Garden Shed
  1. Duncan says:

    Where abouts in North Wales are you John? I consider myself lucky to live a 2 minute drive away from Jackson’s garden centre in Trelawnyd, I’ve always found them to have a decent selection of plants and supplies and plenty of seeds!

    On your shed, I am very impressed!!! I’ve just got mine finished, a mediocre 10′ by 6′ job but I’ve already nearly filled it with hooks for my tools, a box unit for more tools and some shelves for tins of bits and bobs. It’s invaluable but I’ve come to the realisation that no matter how many greenhouses and sheds you’ve got you’ll always have a need for more!

  2. John says:

    We’re near Penygroes, south of Caernarfon. Trelawnyd is a bit of a run from here.
    Most important part of a shed – somewhere to sit down when it’s raining 🙂

  3. Duncan says:

    Agreed, the first thing I put up in my shed was a little £4.99 shelf to rest my cup of tea on!

  4. Jimmy coyle says:

    Can anyone suggest a method to reduce the number of panes of glass that are lost in high winds from my greenhouse? The panes are held in by the “spring clip” method. If using putty to hold the galss in is the answer then where can you get enough to make it worth while? Sorry to ask this but I lost a lot of glass during the storm on Monday the 23rd May and it is costing me a lot to keep replacing it.

  5. Jimmy coyle says:

    Any ideas how to stop/reduce the number of panes of glass that I am losing in high winds. I live in Central Scotland and the wind speed was in excess of 85 MPH on Monday lost more glass just after fixing it on Saturday!

  6. John says:

    Jimmy – if you’ve got questions the best place to ask is on the chat forum. There’s also an article on greenhouses in high winds that you might find helpful on the site.

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