Croatian Vegetable Growing

Well I just had to share this. One little bit in the small print of the contract with the book publishers refers to “Foreign Rights”. Towards the end of last year I got an email telling me they’d sold the rights to Vegetable Growing Month by Month for a Croatian version.

I’d forgotten all about it and this morning a parcel arrived. 3 copies of the book and apart from my name, I can hardly understand a word although “Kompost” seems pretty obvious!

I must say it’s a lovely quality, although the price of 129.00 Croatian Kuna works out to just over £15.00. I just hope they don’t expect me to proof read it!!

Vegetable Growing Month by Month in Croatian

Vegetable Growing Month by Month in Croatian

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary
5 comments on “Croatian Vegetable Growing
  1. Mike Snelgrove says:

    They are a bit mad in the Croatian publishing world. I have written plays, including one about Sherlock Holmes and another about a charity cycleathon in a shopping mall,amongst several other really very English subjects – and my publisher sold quite a lot of them to be translated into Serbo-Croat! Just weird…

  2. John says:

    Just a thought.. would a 2 week tour book signing be tax deductible? LOL

  3. Neil says:

    Nice idea!!! But no, the expense would not be wholly, exclusively and necessarily for business purposes…

    I was wondering whether the Croatian book is a straight translation or not of your book as the climate must be somewhat different; this would impact planting times etc. A book on gardening is obviously very location specific!


  4. John says:

    Oh well, that’s the free holiday gone!

    I think it’s a straight translation but agree with you on times / conditions etc. It’s hard enough coping with the UK’s variations.

    I think, if you use some common sense re timings, it will be useful anywhere temperate. There was talk about an American edition but I only know a little about their growing zones etc. so I don’t think that will happen.

  5. Neil says:

    PS made some pickled beans yesterday following a recipe in your new book, looking forward to trying them eventually.


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