Pesticides Increase Risk of Developing Parkinsons Disease

As you might know, pesticides are related to nerve gas.  The production methods are similar and the effects are too although designed for different species.

Now researchers at the University of Aberdeen have found that there is a link between exposure to pesticides and developing Parkinson’s Disease.

Apparently exposure to low levels of pesticide increase your risk by 1.13 times and to high levels 1.41 times. It just goes to show that  a lot of the chemicals we use may have effects unknown to use, until it’s too late. Compared to the dangers of say, smoking, it’s probably not enormous but if you work on a conventional farm or  nursery where lots of pesticides are used…

Even more worrying, to me, is that we know there are pesticide residues in our food. It’s not a great leap to imagine that these are increasing the risk of Parkinson’s to the general  population.

You have to wonder  what else is affected? Maybe certain  types of cancer increase etc. Whatever, the more we get  away from natural unadultered foods the more chance of these things coming back to bite us many years later.

One thing they cannot check is the effect of a cocktail of chemicals. A safe amount of chemical A combined with a safe amount of B and a safe amount of C may well be dealy in the long term.

We all want affordable food, but what is the real price for it?

Posted in Rants and Raves

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