Brassicas Planted Under Pigeon Defence System

I must admit I’m feeling the pressure of  our impending holiday being less than a week away. We always have the pressure of nature on us in gardening but  I know what I don’t get done by next weekend won’t get done until mid June.

I expect I’ll return to weeds as high as an elephants eye (don’t worry, I promise not to sing) swamping the crops at best.

The brassicas needed to go out, the bed was prepared so that was the first task to undertake. I arrived at 5pm to find just Janice on the plot. It started to spit with rain so she suggested I go away and take my rain with me. That’s a nice greeting for you! Anyway, all it did was spit for a few minutes so I got them all in.

I just planted  what I think we’ll use and picked the best. For example, out of 8 sprouts I only planted 6. It’s time to be sensible . I’ve only so much space and we can only eat so many of things.

I meant to take my camera, but I forgot so I’ll explain. I’ve got side fences made from wood and wire netting that cross the plot. Between these, I ledge 8′ bamboo canes onto which I  put a large net that I inherited. This is more than a bit tricky to put up on your own but another plotholder showed up and gave me a hand.

Without netting I don’t think the brassicas would last 24 hours. Our pigeons would gobble the lot. It makes you wonder how farmers ever manage to grow brassicas. If the slugs don’t get them the birds will. Organic farmers must have an awful job, no slug pellets. I do use the ‘safe’ type although I noticed Bio claim the dangers of metaldehyde slug pellets are greatly exaggerated. But they would say that, wouldn’t they?

As usual for late May the weatherman warned of the possibility of a ground frost. I had planned on removing the cloches  from the sweetcorn  before they push them off themselves. Decided it would be prudent to leave them on for another day at least.

The early potatoes have a lot of top now so there’s not much I can do to protect them but the maincrop, which were planted later, could be earthed up. On plot 5, where the King Edwards are, I just used the compost from the  big pile. Only about 3 barrow loads per row.

Over on plot 29, the Sarpo  are in slightly sunken rows so it was just a matter of using a draw hoe to pull the soil from the sides over them. Since mixing loads of compost with the soil, it’s far easier than it was before.

Back over to plot 5 where there is still a patch that needs digging over and the compost mixing in to get it ready for the legumes – beans – and probably some squashes. I hoed off a strip, about half the patch but it was starting to get a little cold and the time had moved on to after 9pm so called it a day.

When I got home, Val was moving the flowery things in pots down the garden to by the house. We popped some fleece over them, just in case and finally I was able to collapse.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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