Digging in the Sunshine, Harvesting Leeks and Salsify


What a lovely day it’s been, sun shining and cool but not freezing so I got a little more digging done in the morning.

Jake called round in the afternoon so we took a stroll around there and I donated some leeks and salsify to the ‘help Jake put some weight on’ charity!

Didn’t get much else done as Claudipus was at the vets and I was awaiting the call to pick him up. He’s back now, minus a few teeth and looking very sorry for himself. The good news is that he’s in very good health for an elderly chap.

Broadband Blues

I’ve had the same ISP for four years but this week I’ve decided to change. It’s not because PlusNet has been getting very unreliable of late or even the fact that this week I’ve been getting lower speeds than a modem would provide. It’s the fact that Plus Net service people treat you like dirt and ignore requests, Yes, the more they tell you how good they are, the worse they get.

I’m not going to a cheap supplier because reliability is important to me, not that Plus Net was cheap. Now I would say it offers the worst value for money on the market.

So I’m on and offline at the whim of a bunch of [expletives deleted]

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