Pesticide Residues in Food Crops

Offline to the Greenhouse

This morning was unusual for me, no internet connection. Since most of my work involves the internet, I was pretty stuck. Spent a couple of hours in futile reboots and suchlike followed by the joys of listening to muzak whilst awaiting the pleasure of being told to switch it off for an hour and ring back if it still wasn’t working. Rinse and repeat,

Well I did a little reading which sparked me into writing an article about pesticide residues in food, which I urge you to read, and fiddled about until ‘she who must be obeyed’ suggested I should make  the most of it not raining and get down the plot.

Down at the site I was greeted by loads of leaves and even another pile of wood chippings, so big thanks to Mr Ollier at the council who arranges these things.

The ground was absolutely sodden so digging was not advisable but the greenhouses are dry so I cut up the planks that will form the edge of the borders. Doesn’t sound much and would have taken a quarter of the time with my electric saw but the exercise was good for me.

So, an hour rushed passed and the sun started to set so took a quick stroll around the site. Amazingly a large heavy wooden lid from a compost bin was travelled onto my plot. The wind has been fierce, glad it didn’t hit the greenhouse.

The garlic has popped up in the deep bed, which is a relief. I noticed that the next plot has a dug over patch covered in weeds. The idea is that they don’t grow at this time of year. Global warming.

I left the plot just in time as it began to rain quite heavily just as I put my key in the door.

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