More Greenhouse Construction

More Greenhouse Building

Considering computers are supposed to save time, they do have a way of eating it up. Each morning I check my emails, which usually involves deleting half of them as they are just spam. Only takes 10 minutes unless there is something interesting there so why it takes half an hour is a mystery!

Then I check this website. The first task is to delete undesirables from the forums. It seems that there are usually two registered users on the forum with links to dubious sites in their profile that are obviously not real people. Get those off then read what’s been posted. Watch out this can take a while!

So yesterday I whipped through those, switched off the computer and headed into town to pay for the glass I bought yesterday. Took the opportunity to buy a glasscutter as well. I will need some shaped pieces that can be cut from the broken panes and it seems silly to go and buy them when I should be able to make them.

The site was very strange, a lovely sunny day and just me on my own on the whole site. That took me up to mid afternoon, leaving just a couple more bits to do and the door, which is worrying me as I’m not sure how I am going to replace the supporting spacers.

Back home for a cup of tea and then around to next door to start on the second greenhouse. Like busses, none for ages then two come at once! Getting the glass out took a couple of hours and I only broke two panes doing it, although there are a few that were already broken as well.

It did involve sawing a piece off a conifer planted by the greenhouse, never plant a tree by your greenhouse and clearing accumulated rubbish from behind the greenhouse.

Once I have the greenhouse round to the plot I think I’ll have to do some trips to the tip for her. It’s obvious that our neighbour is having problems coping with the clearance; apart from the sheer volume, each thing reminds her of her deceased husband.

Larry is heading around in the morning to help me carry the greenhouse round. Bit of luck and we will have the frame there in one piece, so it’s just a matter of building a base and re-glazing it. Theory.

Val returned from visiting her dad with a couple of packs of “W” clips; there are two main types of clips to hold the glass in, the older D type and the modern W type. The D type are better when the glass is tight to the side of the frame and the W when it is loose. I’ve only found one site on the net that sells D clips but they want a fiver for delivery, which is a bit of a rip-off in my opinion.

On the TwoWests site I ordered some cropped head nuts and bolts. These can be slid into the channels and then rotated to hold them in place when tightened. You can’t slide ordinary bolts into the frame when the greenhouse is assembled without taking it apart again. Not a good idea.

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