Allotment Thief Breaks into Sheds

Intruders on the site

Bit of a dramatic day on Wednesday, Larry came round in the morning with the news that we had had unwelcome visitors on the allotment and my shed had been broken into.

Luckily and strangely, nothing had been taken from either mine or the other three sheds that have been done. Still pretty annoying and worrying.

Poorly Cat

As I’m sure I have said before, we live in a geriatric cats home. Our youngest, who is nearly thirteen years old, went in on Monday for some dental work. I rang at 2pm as instructed and was told to call back later. Later they said they needed to keep her in overnight so call back Tuesday and go and pick her up at 11.30am. Poor might was really rough and back to the vets at 4pm as her breathing was rasping.

Long story short, she’s not too good as I write on Thursday night. Fingers crossed, she’ll be OK.

Greenhouse Progress

Back to the plot! Today we, Larry and I, started glazing the greenhouse. Yesterday I popped into Wilkinsons and managed to find some glazing clips and other bits at half their already low price in the clearance sale.

Well, 6 hours after we started we’d run out of glass and so decided a cup of tea was in order. Larry’s wife had kindly called round with sandwiches earlier so we weren’t completely exhausted, but we were pretty tired.

I nipped down to the glaziers with a little list, he cut them to size and asked for ?33.00 which was heavier than I expected because I had some pieces made over standard sizes to fit where I had constructed a support strut to replace one that has walked.

I offered a card and was amazed to be told that he didn’t take cards, drop a cheque or cash in tomorrow! Being trusted is such a rarity nowadays.

Took the glass to the site, fitted another couple of bits and ran out of “W” clips. So off to Focus for some more clips, it being 7.30pm. Well Wilko is 50p for 25 and Focus is 3.49 for 40. I suppose someone has to pay for all that promotion telling you how cheap they are.

Still got some bits of glass to fit tomorrow and then work out how to make some bolts to fit the door properly. Then I am starting to take down the greenhouse next door and move that to the plot – fantastic – 2 greenhouses. That one is just 8′ x 6′ so will be easy enough to heat when required.

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