Redcurrant Bushes, Merry Tiller and Sunshine

More Sunshine!

Another fair day so down to the plot with the sun shining. I was quite surprised to be on my own on the site – I thought someone else would be taking advantage; anyway, I planted three redcurrant bushes on plot 29.

 Redcurrant Bushes

This involved digging a hole about 18? deep, which is tougher than it sounds. Through the topsoil into the brown clay, Filling it back up with good soil and some fish blood and bone to give them a boost. They went in about 4′ apart and I interplanted some strawberries between them. The poor bushes have been sitting in our garage so long one was growing out of the box – but I think they will be OK.

 Back with the Merry Tiller

That done it was back out with the Merry Tiller. The large bed on plot 29 got the treatment. Up and down about three times and the clods were all broken up. When I took this plot on, this was the bed where the previous holder had his sheds and greenhouse. The soil was lifeless, except for mares tail, and covered in sand and gravel. All my digging and adding organic matter has paid off, its now the finest soil on the plot. This caused a bit of a problem as the Merry Tiller kept sinking into the soil, which made it pretty hard work. As I write both my arms ache from holding it back.

Broad Beans

That job done, I sowed 3 double rows of broad beans ? Bunyard”s Exhibition . These go in at 8? spacing in two rows 8? apart and about 2? between these double rows.

I?ve 5 seeds over that I?ll sow into pots to use as spares for ones that don?t come up.

Soon after I got to the plot the sun went in as clouds came over ready to deliver tonight?s promised rain. It?s amazing how the temperature drops and I was a bit chilled despite being well dressed.

Back home around 5.30pm

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