Allotment Chat Talking About Growing Vegetables, Fruit and Herbs

Forums go live!

For the last few days I’ve been working on putting forums on to the web site. It’s actually not terribly difficult as all the technical wizardry has been done by the wonderful team at phpbb

As well as the background engine that does the work – storing members and posts etc. there are templates for the visual appearance. None of those was exactly what I wanted, so I’m in the process of altering the graphics to fit the site style. I wanted to finish those before I went live but tempus fugit.

There’s also a nifty personal message system built in so people can talk directly to each other.

I’m a bit concerned about the forums. I’ve seen forums descend into nasty arguements with people saying things they would never dream of saying in real life. Then there are the idiots who think they can use a forum as a vehicle to advertise their online poker sites or amazing herbal preparations that cause men to develop larger organs to delight the woman in their life.

I wouldn’t mind herbal preparations that get rid of backache or develop stronger biceps for digging with!

Well, if you worry about all the might happens you would never do anything. So fingers crossed and I hope these forums work out for everyone.

Visit the forums here.

Boy it’s gone cold!

After the strangely warm weather, it’s now freezing cold. After getting the forums online, down to the lottie just after 2pm. The site was deserted all afternoon, except for a brass monkey asking directions to the welding shop and a quick vist from larry, the site rep.

It’s an ill wind that blows no good and the cold weather has finished off many of Val’s flowers in their pots. The begonias were bent over and dripping a red fluid that looked like they’d bled to death!

So a car full of pots of soil and a large bag of compost material was duly transported to the site. After these were spread on the ex-potato patch on plot 29 it was back to moving leaves into the cage.

As the sun went down the temperature fell too so I packed up around 4 pm. Larry turned up then, checking the site I think, and we had a quick chat before returning for a warming cuppa.

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