Finish the deep bed.
Having completed the construction work yesterday, a few more barrow loads of chippings for the paths and digging over the old path within the deep bed, now it’s moved, barrow load of turkey litter and then mantis the soil.
Then harvested the last of the leeks, which were going over so had to come out. Dug over the bed, which is now part of the potato bed and spread the turey litter over evenly.
Next will be to empty half a compost bin onto the patch and rotovate. The potato bed on plot 29 needs another rotovation too before it will be ready.
The weekend looks like good weather but it may still be a little early for planting spuds. The soil conditions are not brilliant.
The comfrey is coming back nicely – I’d like a cut under the potatoes and need to get some root cuttings to fill the comfrey bed. Another reason to delay the potato planting.
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