Finally planted the broad beans.
It’s a little later than I would have liked but the weather is not under my control.
I planted ‘by the book’ – about 2″ deep, 4″ apart in double rows 10″ apart with 2 feet between the double rows. From the bottom of the plot up, 2 double rows of Aquadulce and 1 double row of Bunyards Exhibition.
I have a pack of Masterpiece Green Longpod left, which I will find a home for, possibly on plot 29 in a block.
Then I spread the leafmould around at the top of plot 5 and fished out the litter – sweet wrappers to a baby’s dummy. Litter gets mixed in the leaves and is nigh on impossible to get it all when you pile them.
Spent more time chatting with a few of the lads than working, but that’s part of the fun.
It’s been windy and my polycarb coldframe had gone for a walk. Looks like some repairing is called for,
Then the sun went behind a dark cloud and in 5 minutes I was getting chilled so back home to the warmth.
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