Planting Red Baron Onions and Senga Senga Strawberries

What a difference a week makes!

Managed to plant most of the seed grown onions (Red Baron) on plot 29 before we departed for Malta. The large modules mainly went in as one with a large spacing between modules.

According to Joy Larkom, they should push away from each other and be fine. Where too many had germinated in a module, it was split and planted singly.

Still have a few in the seed tray to sort out.

Back at home the text message to the daughter asking her to take the lid off the propogator upstairs had not got through. Some very, very leggy squash etc. Some re-sowing is now in order.

I had ordered some strawberry plants, which had to arrive when we were away, of course. I ordered from Bakker who were offering the best deal I could find online and a free gift of a bucket of bulbs for the other half. My generosity knows no bounds!

25 plants of Ostara went into the strawberry bed on plot 29. Their description was “Immense fruits, larger than normally expected of perpetual strawberry varieties. Firm, succulent flesh. Every plant produces approx. 1.5 kg of strawberries.”

Sounds promising!!

The other 25 were Senga Segana. Most of these have gone into strawberry planters in the garden but I have a few over that will go into the bed. Not sure if they cross pollinate and if that affects the fruit.

These are described as “Medium-Early. This is the best-known strawberry variety. Guaranteed to provide masses of tasty sweet strawberries. The firm fruits retain their colour and shape regardless of the preservation method used. Plant spaced 30 cm apart. Pleasant tangy flavour.”

All plants arrived in good order with fair roots so I’m very hopeful.

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