New Site & The Great Onion (and Garlic) Disaster

The last month has been frustrating to say the least. In fact 2014 hasn’t gone too well for me. January was taken up by the cataract operation, which went well but kept me mainly indoors. Then the weird leg infection which didn’t bother me much but the high dose antibiotics made me feel as rough as old boots.

They say it comes in threes, and it has. I lent over to pick something up from the floor whilst sitting at my desk. Twisted, over-balanced and felt my back go. I’ve had it before and it will go but it’s annoying.

Add into this that work has been mad. Busy doesn’t begin to describe it and the task list seems to grow each day rather than shrink. People often think that when you work for yourself it must be great to set your own hours. The truth is that you work all hours when there is work to do because next week it might dry up.

Not that I’m asking for sympathy for being busy, goodness knows there are many people who would be grateful for a job and at least we’re keeping our head above water.

Broad Leys Open

The biggest job has been due to our taking on the Broad Leys Publishing business. It’s been a learning curve and a bit of a slog but we’re getting there. Today I’m proud to announce the opening of our new web site, Broad Leys Self Sufficiency.

There’s a lot to go on there yet but we’ve made a start. As well as new articles and information, we’re putting a lot of archive material online including pieces by John Seymour and Lawrence D Hills (Founder of the HDRA which became Garden Organic) Do take a look and if you like it a ‘like’ on Facebook will help no end getting it known.

One article that had me kicking myself was Building a Hotbed. I’ve never been a big fan of hotbeds as following the Victorian method involved digging out brick lined pits and filling with manure. Far too much like hard work! The method in this article is easier and by moving the bed around the plot each year, generally improves the soil.

A large section of the site is a bookshop. We’re offering the Broad Leys titles of course and also a good selection of books from other publishers that will be of interest to those looking for a more sustainable way of life. My own books are on there as well, including the free seed offer. They can be found here

All the books include free UK delivery (extra for Ireland and the EU) as well as being discounted where we can.

To really get the bookshop off the ground, you can have an extra discount of £1.00 per book by putting in the code AGN1 at the checkout. Just click the Use Coupon Code and put the code in the box that magically appears. The code is valid during April.

The Great Onion (and Garlic) Disaster

So, the nightmare unfolds.. A friend, who shall be nameless, came around and I had a good moan about having too much on my plate. As you do. I’ve been meaning to get the last leeks out of the raised bed, if they’ve not gone over already, I said.

“No problem”, said my friend, “I’ll get your leeks up and you get the job done.”

A bit later he popped his head round the door and said, “Should I leave the small ones in or pull them up?”

“Oh, pull them all.” I said, being a bit distracted as a bit of code wasn’t working.

Later he came in and told me he’d cleared the lot for me and, with a sinking feeling, I realised he had. All the seedling onions and garlic included. Yep, lost the lot.

It’s too late for the garlic but I just might get some onion sets in.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary
2 comments on “New Site & The Great Onion (and Garlic) Disaster
  1. Andy Mahoney says:

    Name and shame John! Lovely story. My Garlic are doing amazingly will, right through winter and storming on now.

    The Broad Beans are setting pods (AC Over wintering) Everything is flying this year, Peas are away, 1st 2nd and main crop are all now in, Parsnips & Carrots are up and running.

    Hope you are keeping well.

    Andy – HomeBrewPower

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