Spraying the Paths & Tomatoes

I forgot when I last wrote up my diary to mention spraying the paths. I’m not a great user of weedkiller but I do think there are times when it makes a lot of sense. Weeding the paths between plots is one of those things where it makes sense to me. So mixed up the glyphosate and got the sprayer out.

I’d got a couple of patches of couch grass back on the plot so they got a spray and one of the raised beds on plot 5 has the dreaded bindweed so that got sprayed. Both of those weeds are the very devil to get rid of, they re-grow from a small bit of root and it seems the roots grow faster than the tops. The spray will go into the roots and, hopefully, kill them dead. Once glyphosate goes onto the soil it stops working and you can plant basically the next day. However, you need to wait for the weeds to take the poison down to the roots so effectively a couple of weeks before you can do much.

Over on plot 29 the dreaded horsetail is popping back on the paths and to a small extent on the raised beds. If I had enough Amcide left to make 2 litres up and kill the horsetail off the path I’d use it if it were legal. On the raised beds I may mix up some strong glyphosate with some wallpaper paste to thicken it and paint it on the fronds. Horsetail is the worst weed I’ve come across, it comes back more often than the terminator. The roots are thin and brown so finding them is difficult and they go down to Hell anyway so you never win.

I’m pleased to report my computer is fully working now, after spending hours trying to get the network printer to work and failing I called a local chap in. “I think it might be something to do with the firewall or perhaps the router or maybe the printer’s configuration” I said. “Perhaps the fact this cable is half out of the socket is the cause” he answered. Oh! Talk about feeling an idiot.

Apart from web sites, I’m hard at work on the new book and that’s where the printer is vital. I like to take the first draft, print it out and sit down to read it with my highlighter pen and a pencil. Oh yes, hi-tech me!

Dropped around to the plot at 5 o’clock and I thought I was on my own until Lee appeared. I nearly jumped out of my skin, which gave him a laugh. Took the kitchen compost waste bin with me, which goes into the compost bin on plot 29. Lifting the lid I was greeted by a load of tiny flies. Much spitting as some flew into my mouth. Yuck.

Went into the main greenhouse and harvested half a carrier bag of tomatoes and a nice cucumber.

I then started trimming side shoots and excess foliage and went and cut through the wire that helps hold the bamboo canes in place. So a bit of fiddling with some twine to support the cane again. Well actually quite a lot of messing about. Trying to get the twine fixed without damaging the plants.

Then it was time to water. Thanks to Andy who leaves his hosepipe attached to the tap opposite the plot, it’s not a long job to give the borders a good soak. Next thing I know is that it is 7 o’clock and it’s getting chilly so time to head home. I did take five minutes to just enjoy the quiet on the site with the sun heading for the trees in the west, first. Magical.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary
3 comments on “Spraying the Paths & Tomatoes
  1. nickyveglover says:

    Glad you got the computer working John, even if you did feel a bit foolish. Whats the new book about? Love the old one.

  2. Tracy says:

    Will be spraying off the paths tomorrow too, glad to be following an expert. Same here, intrigued to know what the new book is about.

  3. John says:

    Oh dear – let the cat out of the bag a bit, didn’t I? I’m not supposed to say. It’s more geared for allotment holders though.

    And to think I said ‘never again’ after Veg Growing!

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