Updating the Shop, Making Pastry

We’ve been quite busy in the background this week. The allotment shop, gardening equipment section hadn’t been updated for a while and was in need of serious attention.

We went through and removed links to products that were no longer available, and that’s no small task. Next we’ve re-organised things a bit to make it easier for you to find things. Even if you’re not looking to buy, the shop sections are a great research tool. 10 minutes browsing and you can see what’s available for when you’re ready.

There’s a major section gone in – Compost Bins etc. Of course many local councils are offering subsidised compost bins or you can make your own from old palettes but if you have a posh garden and want something special, check out this beehive composter from Harrod Horticulture.

We’ve now got root trainers (rootrainers) available. They really do work exceptionally well for anything likes a long root like sweetcorn and, because you open them to get the plant out, you can plant out without disturbing the roots- if you’re careful.

Biological pest control has moved into Plant Protection by the way.

We’ve not quite finished, but it’s looking a lot better already.

Allotment Foods

The recipes section has proven really popular and Val’s put a new section into the allotment foods section about making pastry. Pastry is one of those things that people seem to be buying when for the most part it’s quite easy to make.

I took the opportunity to completely make over the whole section. Originally I envisaged a few articles in the section but, like a lot on this web site, it grew and grew so I’ve broken it down into more manageable chunks.

Although it was quite a lot of work, it had to be done sometime and the way things are growing, sooner rather than later.

Hope you like it.


Posted in New on Site

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