Bit of time in the Greenhouse, Feeding Brassicas

Down to the plot on Sunday late afternoon during a beautiful day. It wasn’t cloudless skies here, which was actually a benefit as just when the sun got too hot a cloud would intercede and cool you down.

Gave everything a feed as well as watering in the greenhouse. They’re on tomato feed but I added a little extra nitrogen to the mix, just to keep them boosted. The tomatoes are a bit of a loss with the blight long term but the good news is that the fruits on the plants are finally turning red so a good few pounds went into the swag bag to take home.

Still no sign of any aubergines but the peppers are developing, so hopeful of a reasonable crop there.

Took up the last onions which were on plot 29. I’d planted Red Baron and they’re reasonable although they seem small against the Ailsa Craig. A few had rotted but most seem as if they should store. I daresay we will find out.

Harvested the last peas off plot 29, I’ve not done well with them this year but better than I really expected, especially given that the runner beans are a dead loss. I noticed a couple of cauliflowers had formed small heads. Too long in the pot before planting out but edible anyway.

Finally I gave the brassicas a feed heavy with nitrogen. Most of the cabbages seem OK, checked for caterpillars and butterfly eggs and didn’t find any, which was nice.


Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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