Congratulations Medwyn!

As you might know, I’m a member of the National Vegetable Society whose chairman is Medwyn Williams. Well on Saturday I had a phone call from Medwyn asking for a quick bit of help on his website.

The poor chap sounded really down and quite despondent. The glorious hot weather was making his vegetables wilt and they were all packed and ready to go to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

Now I know he’s been working on his display for months, planning an growing tremendous vegetables to be at the peak of perfection now. But there’s not much you can do about the weather..

So I’m really happy to be able to say congratulations Medwyn!

Not only has he won yet another gold medal (the eleventh? Or is it more?) but also he’s again won the President’s Award.

Here’s a photo from his 2005 entry where he got his 10th Gold Medal

Medwyn Williams at Chelsea 2005

Medwyn Williams at Chelsea 2005

And a video that shows him preparing for the show (thanks Trillium for finding this!)

Growing for Gold – Medwyn Williams MBE on Youtube

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary
One comment on “Congratulations Medwyn!
  1. Jamie Butterworth says:

    He realy did deserve it after seeing all his vegetables, they were amazing, espicially the leeks, Ive never seen any as good as that!

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