Forum Meet Up

Well the rest of the week wasn’t much different. The greenhouse crops, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers continued thick and fast whilst the beans carried on appearing outside.

Apart from harvesting, nothing much got done. The weeds are shooting up but between work and rainy weather I’ve not had a chance. I’m not the only one it seems losing the battle at the moment.

One of our cats is missing and we’ve walked the streets, dropped leaflets and contacted Cats Protection etc. so searching the allotments was a thin hope. However, you’ve got to try everything. I went to every shed, rattling the doors or tapping the windows hoping for a meow. Sadly no sign.

Anyway whilst searching, I noticed nearly every plot on the site was suffering, with a couple of exceptions. Perhaps they’re hoeing under umbrellas. I was quite expecting the police to turn up at any minute as I must have looked suspicious looking in every shed and trying the doors.

Sunday was an amazing day for us, we went over to Roughlee where we met up with some of the forum members. We all had a very late lunch as we were waiting for my daughter, Cara, to get there. She’d been stuck behind the result of two boy racers proving that the open road is not Silverstone and the police redirected the traffic. So her 40 minute journey took 2 hours 20 minutes!

After the lunch we went over to Roughlee’s ranch to see his pigs. Just for the sake of confusion, Roughlee is a town and the user name he uses on the forums. Well it poured down, I mean poured, but we said hello to the piggies. Sadly they’re off to transform into bacon shortly. On that day we’ll have a day of mourning on the site.

Here’s a picture of us outside the pub.

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Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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