Lazy Sunday & Allotment Watering

What a Sunday! It was actually too hot for me, so I spent a lazy Sunday afternoon (queue the Small Faces) sitting under a parasol listening to the radio before heading to the plot late afternoon.

Loaded the car with the surviving brassicas and a lot of beans that are about ready to plant out.

I was amazed how quiet the site was, expected it to be crowded but there were only a couple of people on and one of those had only come down to pick up his slug pellets for his home garden.

Gianni turned up, looking a bit washed out. He’s doing a Spanish degree and has been cramming. Apparently he managed 100% in one assessment! We’ve some brainy people on our site. He said he’d been down in the morning and it was pretty quiet then. Perhaps it was just too warm.

Anyway, I transferred all the seedlings into the tall coldframe on the decking on plot 5, giving them a good watering and then commence to water plot 29. Although I moan about people watering every day, even when it was raining earlier, the strawberries and over-wintered onions are pretty dry.

It really doesn’t do a lot of good to sprinkle a bit of water when it’s dry. In fact it can do more harm than good as it encourages shallow surface roots. A good wetting where the water soaks down does a lot more good.

So an hour zipped by with the hosepipe on the beds and in the greenhouses. Next it was off to Therese’s greenhouse and that got a good soaking as well. I need everything to be OK tomorrow as it’s going to be a sunny day and we’re off to the lake district for the day.

Now I said yesterday I would try to remember to take the camera along and I did. So I took a few snaps of various bits around the plot including a patch of marestail. The one weed that I get the most mail about is marestail and some people describe it but don’t know what it is so I thought it might be useful.

You can see all May’s photos here – Allotment Photos



Posted in Allotment Garden Diary
One comment on “Lazy Sunday & Allotment Watering
  1. Reg B. Shaw says:

    I have this on my lawn, in England, how come if it’s an American weed, it’s over here in England? Or is it really an English weed that was taken over to America by the Pilgrim Father’s when they went there? Does anybody know? I think maybe mixing in some brake oil with Vitax SBK might do the trick, but only might, a company sells a gas burner, which they claim if you burn the leaves it starves the root and it dies. Now whether that’s true or not is only by testing | suppose.

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