Upgrading the Allotment Site

Best Laid Plans

Saturday was quite nice so the afternoon was spent doing, you guessed it, more digging. There was a brief shower towards the end of the afternoon but it only lasted 10 minutes.

Now the plan was to finish the digging off, it should really have been done about three months ago but while you can dig in the cold, digging in the wet is well nigh impossible. The soil just becomes heavy mud. The spirit was more willing than the body so an eight foot strip is left but I can get that another time.

Hopefully the weather will be as cold as the weatherman says and a good frost will help break up the big clods before the Merry Tiller is called into action.


Since the weatherman was predicting snow for Sunday, my plan was to spend the day in the greenhouse sowing seeds etc.

The day started a little early when the wind got up at 2am bouncing the dustbins around. This woke next door’s baby who wailed away and I can always hear a baby cry in the middle of the night. Strangely, my cat Claudipus decided to join in and started wailing as well. Between the wailing of cats, babies and wind and banging objects it was about 4am before I got back off. Not exactly the brightest when I got up.

Before I started doing some gardening, I wanted to send out an email to everyone on the forums about the upgrade and how the forums would be offline for a day or two.

Web Site Upgrade

The upgrade is scheduled for Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd. The site may be up and down a bit in the process but it should be worthwhile in the end.

Because my ISP slows down sending bulk emails, I usually use a different mail server but I’ve let that go as I’m upgrading. No problem, I thought – I’ll use a mail server on my own PC. Downloaded and installed then tested on a few emails to myself. OK, all done so I sent out the mail.

Meanwhile, a good friend popped round for a few hours so we had a good chat, he left and back to the machine. For various reasons a lot of the mail hadn’t gone properly. So now I had to sort them out manually and copy to another file. Got that done and now, as I write, my system is slowly, very slowly, grinding along sending them out.

I just hope this upgrade goes a bit better than telling everyone about it!

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