Yet More Digging
I dropped down on Monday afternoon and got another strip dug over on plot 5, didn’t get down on Tuesday but today, Wednesday, I got a good three hours down there.
Tuesday we had a light dusting of snow but it had gone by the afternoon. Still, by working solid through to the evening, I bought myself the afternoon off
This morning it was a white world, a really hard frost. The afternoon was still pretty cold, especially in the shade, but the sky was a wonderful hard blue with wispy white clouds and high contrails. If it hadn’t been cold it could have been a summer’s day.
Digging however was not summery, the waterlogged soil was frozen at the surface so I resorted to standing on the spade to get it to sink in at points.
I managed to find a few more potatoes as well. How come it’s always perfect really nice potatoes you find as the spade goes through them rather than grotty spud eaten specimens?
They’re predicting 15cm of snow tomorrow or six inches in old money. It seems unbelievable after that sky today but I suppose there is always a small chance the weathermen have it right even for the alternate universe of Crewe & Nantwich.
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