Buying Seed Potatoes, Sarpo Mira and King Edward

Saturday Seed Sorting

I had a lazy day on Saturday, fiddled about with various bits and spent a couple of hours continuing sorting my seeds out. I’m writing it all up for future reference and I’ll probably post it up here.

Sunday, Buying Seed Potatoes

Started with a trip down to the allotment association shop at Ford Lane to pick up some maincrop seed potatoes. I’ve got Sarpo Mira but they’re not very good for roasting so I wanted another variety. Not exceptionally helpful down there, but I’ve ended up with some King Edward, which are a pretty good roaster and chipper. In retrospect I wish I’d gone for Picasso. Picasso potatoes have an extremely good reputation as a cropper, but what’s done is done.

A Warning

When I arrived at the plot this afternoon I dumped the kitchen waste into the compost bin and decided to clear some broken glass from in front of the main greenhouse.

Some years back I was told with graphic pictures that you should never ever handle glass without gloves, but there was only a few bits. Of course I managed to slice my little finger and the stinging is a reminder that I should have bothered to go and get my gloves.

More Potatoes

As I said on Thursday, I’ve embarrassed to admit to leaving three rows of potatoes in the ground. Today I harvested the Sarpo Axona, about 10 Kg and the same again straight into the compost bin as they had started to rot.

I made a start on the row of Valor. These hadn’t done so well, mainly very small tubers and most of the larger ones had damage or rot. Still, just over half the row yielded about 3 Kg of usable potatoes.

Busy on the Site

It was nice to find the site quite busy, a real hive of activity when I arrived. I’m never the first one on, not a morning person me, but I was the last one off at 4.45pm and what a cold wind it was that blew me home.

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