Late Harvesting Sarpo Mira Potatoes

To say or not to say!

One of the problems of running this web site is that a lot of people think I’m an expert grower running a super plot. The truth is, of course, that I’m just an ordinary allotment holder. I have to fit the plot in with other commitments like everyone else and I make just as many mistakes as anyone else.

Well last year I lost the plot a bit. I’d got three rows of maincrop potatoes on plot five that I’d not got around to getting up. Now you can leave maincrop in the ground for quite a while but late January is really silly. I’d meant to get them up a few times last year but it seemed that it was either raining or had been raining and the soil was mud, so they’d just sat there.

Anyway, harvested a row of potatoes (Sarpo Mira) today. Many of them had started to rot sitting in waterlogged soil but I actually got about 6 Kg out. I think about four times that ended up on the compost heap.

It was bitter cold and I’d had enough after digging up one row. It didn’t help that my blood pressure or something is playing silly devils and I thought I was going to keel over a couple of times.

Back home, I felt like I’d dug over half the plot instead of one row of spuds. So early to bed after an evening of being a zombie in front of the box.

Hope this thing goes away or I’ll never get the plot ready for the new season.

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