Weather Woes
Well Christmas came and went with the usual mixture of cooking like one of Gordon Ramsey’s terrified staff followed by an attempt to grow a bigger belly than a world champion sumo wrestler.
Still, it’s rather nice to know that all the veggies came from the plot, so good the slugs just love them!
The weather continues to be warm and wet, which is great for the weeds but not so good for the gardener. It really has got beyond a joke, even when it’s dry enough to go to the plot all it’s fit for is planting rice. I listened to a weather forecast the other day where the weatherman claimed it was a sunny day and the rain was pouring down outside. Perhaps Cheshire has mysteriously been transported to an alternate reality that’s about to see the truth of Kevin Costner’s Waterworld.
Anyway, my plans to get a few good days on there came to nothing although I did drop down yesterday to harvest a few leeks and a parsnip for a casserole while I took the kitchen compost bin down. Had a chat with Willy, a fellow plotholder who is a really nice chap and was about ready to leave when the evil allotment rep arrived to survey his empire and plan torments for those who do not cultivate to his exacting standards (only joking, Larry). Of course, it started to rain.
I did manage to get a couple of hours down there today although the wind had a cold bite to it, I kept warm digging over on plot 29. Plot 29 is dryer than plot 5 but plot 5 is looking pretty desperate.
Another couple of barrow loads of leafmould came out of the heap before the light faded. I really need to get on with emptying the leafmould bins and refilling them before someone else has all the leaves the council have kindly left for us on the site.
Anyway, I must get more time down there rather than sitting on this computer, which is causing my trousers to shrink. Each day they get a lighter tighter for no apparent reason.
Talking of sitting on the computer, Val helped by spending hours redoing all the links on the vegetable seeds so they work now. I don’t know why, but the spammers seem to go into overdrive around Christmas. If you, dear reader, have tried to register on the forum but didn’t get activated then you need to give me some information like where you are so I can see you’re not really some Russian script robot.
On that note, I’ll wish everyone a really Happy New Year.
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